Next to our own SAM (Support for All Members) Support team, the TU/e offers other types of support.

Below an alphabetical list is provided of the essential TU/e support services

  • Academic advisors can help with questions related to your study progress; you can make a single appointment or book several depending on your needs. Claartje Boskman and Désy Verkuilen are academic advisors dedicated to care for LGBTIQIA+ students. You can reach them via and 

  • Confidential contact person help with complaints against discrimination, harassment or unsafe situations. And it goes without saying that whatever you share will remain completely confidential!

  • Confidential counselors help resolve problems and/or conflicts between students and staff members, supervisors or teachers.

  • Life coaches from TINT provide you with someone to talk to help structure your thoughts about anything you’re struggling with and find answers to your questions.

  • Student counselors provide information and advice about a range of matters that are not directly related to the content of a study program, such as grants, financial support, termination of enrolment, lodging a complaint, provisions for functional impairment, etc. 

  • Student psychologists can help with issues that are having an impact on your life and studies, such as depression, anxiety, burn-out, self-esteem, etc. The service offered is one to five sessions of consultation, referral to a training course, or external referral

For a more extensive overview of all the types of support offered, please refer to the student guidance page in the education guide of the TU/e.

For issues related to general healthcare (general practitioner/dentist), please refer to the general healthcare page in the education guide of the TU/e.